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George had responded to a call from his lawyer, insisting that they meet at once. He arrived at his lawyer's firm, and was ushered into his office.
"Do you want the bad news first or the terrible news?" the lawyer asked.
"Well, if those are my choices, I guess I'll take the bad news first."
"Your wife found a picture worth a half-million dollars."
"That's the bad news?" George was stunned? "If you call that bad, I can't wait to hear the terrible news."
"The terrible news is that it's of you and your secretary."

2016-09-14 09:54:51

Q: How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?
A: His lips are moving.

2016-09-14 09:54:51

A person is in the hospital and asked his doctor how much time does he have left to live. The doctor did not want to lie so he told him that he wouldn’t make it through the night. So the person calls for his lawyer and asks him to come and sit by his bed. Right before the person dies, the lawyer asks him why did he want him next to him. The dying person replied, "When Jesus died, he had a thief next to him and I want to go the same way."

2016-09-14 09:54:51

The National Institutes of Health have announced that they will no longer be using rats for medical experimentation. In their place, they will use attorneys. They have given three reasons for this decision:
1. There are now more attorneys than there are rats.
2. The medical researchers don't become as emotionally attached to the attorneys as they did to the rats.
3. No matter how hard you try, there are some things that even rats won't do.

2016-09-14 09:54:51

Q: What is the difference between a tick and a lawyer?
A: The tick stops draining you and drops off after you're dead.

2016-09-14 09:54:51

Q: What is the difference between a lawyer and a trampoline?
A: You take off your shoes to jump on a trampoline!

2016-09-14 09:54:51

Q: What does a lawyer and a sperm have in common?
A: Both have about a one in 3 million chance of becoming a human being.

2016-09-14 09:54:51

Changing lawyers is like moving to a different deck chair on the Titantic.

2016-09-14 09:54:51

A woman went to her doctor for advice. She told the physician that her husband had developed a penchant for anal sex, and she wasn't sure it was such a good idea.
The Doctor asked, "Do you enjoy it?"
She said that she did.
He asked, "Does it hurt you?"
She said no.
The Doctor then told her, "Well, then, there's no reason that you shouldn't practice anal sex, if that's what you like, so long as you take care not to get pregnant."
The woman was mystified. She asked, "You can get pregnant from anal sex?"
The Doctor replied, "Of course. Where do you think lawyers come from?"

2016-09-14 09:54:51

A young boy walked up to his father and asked,
"Dad? Does a lawyer ever tell the truth?"
The Father thought for a moment. "Yes Son," he replied, "Sometimes a lawyer will do anything to win a case."

2016-09-14 09:54:51